Monday Mission Update: Brand

January 7, 2019

"Brand" is one of those words that's very commonly used but little understood. A brand is bigger than a logo or a tag line (though they are part of it).  It’s really about the way an organization behaves toward its customers and anyone who comes in contact with it. It's the essence and personality of an organization brought to life through its people. In our case, that means through our wonderful Y associates and volunteers-- YOU! 

Southwest Airlines’ founder and long-time CEO Herb Kelleher died this past week. He was a true American pioneer who will likely be remembered as much for the culture he created at Southwest as for the fact that he built the most consistently profitable domestic airline in U.S. history. Indeed, this was all possible because Kelleher understood that the best and most sustainable route to a successful brand and business was to create a great culture.

Kelleher would often invite leaders from other companies to visit Southwest headquarters in Dallas to learn what made it so successful. He delighted in their reaction when he revealed how simple it was. “They were interested in how we hired, trained, that sort of thing,” Kelleher said. “Then we’d say, ‘Treat your people well and they’ll treat you well,’ and then they’d go home disappointed. It was too simple.”

There are endless examples of how Southwest’s culture plays out every day and in every way.  Most readers of this Monday Mission Update know that I’m an unabashed fan and loyal customer of Southwest.  One of the many, many reasons for my loyalty to their brand is on display in this video. It tells you everything you need to know about how truly memorable brands are built. Take a look:

Like the Y, an airline has strict, unbreakable rules which are taken very seriously and for good reason. Their business is complex and what they are doing involves managing a great deal of significant risk. But as this video demonstrates, even something as serious as safety rules can be delivered with the distinct personality of the brand. 

We may not all have the personality and flair of this particular flight attendant, but I do know that each of us has an authentic "voice" that can convey what the Y brand stands for, namely caring, warmth, acceptance, responsibility and accessibility.

Over the coming months, we will be embarking on a journey (which is never over) to talk more explicitly with Y associates about identifying and sustaining the unique Y brand experience.  I’ve always believed that culture and brand are not only inextricably linked, but that the only way to create and sustain a great culture and brand is to continuously talk about it, live it and revel in, like Southwest Airlines does to its endless credit.  I challenge each of us to let the Y brand personality you already know and embrace come shining out every day through your interactions with members, participants, volunteers, coworkers, partners and everyone else!

All the best,


John K. Hoey
President & CEO
The Y in Central Maryland