
I hope that everyone had a happy, joyous holiday.  Now, if you were one of the many (like me and my family) who got caught up in the Southwest Airlines meltdown, I’m sure your holiday experience wasn’t necessarily what you were bargaining for.  Oh well, let’s hope for clear skies, metaphorically and actually, in 2023!

But let’s focus on something quite a bit more positive.  

Over the past several decades, numerous scientific studies have confirmed that the phenomenon known as “helper’s high” is, indeed, more than simply a feeling. It’s real. Biochemical analysis has revealed that “helper’s high” is accompanied by positive changes in the body's immune function and a lower level of stress hormones. Neuroscientists at the National Institutes of Health found that when individuals donate money, the mesolimbic system in the brain is activated. As a consequence, when people express generosity to others, such as by volunteering or by donating money, they feel good and are more likely to repeat these behaviors. A study at Emory University revealed that the thought of helping others activated the same part of the brain as thinking about receiving rewards or experiencing pleasure.

Y Santa Helpers

I suspect that “helper’s high” was in full force this holiday season across our community. One great example is the annual Y Giving Tree project, which happens at all of our Y family centers and association office.  I’m happy to report that, once again, it was a big success!

This year, a whopping 2,285 gifts were donated, answering wish list requests that directly helped 595 children and 620 families who participate in Y programs. Gifts included clothes, shoes, winter coats, scarves, hats, gloves, bikes, gift cards, laptops, pots and pans, toys and even makeup!

This incredible community and personal generosity ensured the kind of warm holiday celebrations every child and family deserves. Moreover, this kind of generosity telegraphs to those who are helped that they’re a part of a real community that values the well-being of everyone within it.

I’d like to extend my gratitude to all of the members of the Y community who gave so generously. You are all heroes. I also want to thank our Y Giving Tree volunteers, along with our wonderful corporate sponsors Amazon, RS&F and JP Morgan Chase Bank. I hope that everyone involved is feeling their own “helper’s high.” Something tells me that it will carry you into the new year in the best possible way.

All the best,

john signature

John K. Hoey
President & CEO
The Y in Central Maryland